The Showdown Experiment

The year was 2012 and we were innocent little children trying to make indie games… okay, maybe that’s a tiny overstatement, but we had (and still have) a lot to learn.  One thing we knew was that we wanted players to be more involved in the development process. We tried a few things to make that happen, but none of our slick ideas panned… Read More

Race The Sun is 2 years old today

Hello dear readers! Two years ago today, we launched Race the Sun via our website using the Humble Bundle widget, after about a year of development, and a harrowing Kickstarter. The game got off to a really rough start, which I wrote about here. In our first month, the game made less revenue than we… Read More

OCD And Game Design

I just finished reading a great opinion piece by Holly Green about gaming with OCD. Her thoughts really hit home and rekindled bad memories – along with thoughts about designing games with OCD players in mind. Some of what I’m about to say might not make sense without first reading Green’s piece (Link Here) A… Read More

Race The Sun 1.44 Is Out!

We really love it when developers keep updating and improving the games we play. As developers ourselves, we really want to do this for our games. The hard reality is that continually improving a game after it’s initial release can be costly and incredibly time-consuming. If the game doesn’t continue to make money after launch, working on… Read More

A quick Race The Sun/Flippfly update

Wow, has it been almost 3 months since our last blog update? It has! We wanted to give our fans and followers a quick update to let you all know what’s up. PC Update We’ve been working hard on a PC version update, for Steam, GoG, and Humble builds. It’s mostly a bug-fixing update, but… Read More